Laurier students celebrate rich tapestry of cultures at Cultural Gala in Brantford
On March 8, 2024, more than 150 international students from Laurier’s Waterloo and Brantford campuses came together for the annual Cultural Gala – an end-of-year celebration showcasing a vibrant fusion of diverse traditions, music, dance and dishes from around the world.
This is the second year that the Cultural Gala has been generously sponsored by TD Bank Group, who support programming for Laurier’s international students in Brantford, such as a Welcome Barbecue at the start of the academic year and themed drop-in lunches.
“We want to help promote a sense of belonging among students on Laurier’s Brantford campus,” says Ester Condello, district vice-president at TD. “These students bring so much vibrancy to Brantford’s downtown core, and it’s important that they feel engaged and connected with each other and with the wider Brantford community.”
Laurier’s Brantford campus is home to the Wilfrid Laurier International College and is the centre for welcoming Laurier’s international students to Canada. The annual Cultural Gala celebrates the achievements of all Laurier’s international students at the end of the academic year, featuring a fashion show, traditional dances and food from around the world, musical performances and presentation of student awards.
“TD’s sponsorship and support has been instrumental over the past few years to ensure international students are able to celebrate their hard work and accomplishments,” says Jane Desmond, international student advisor on Laurier’s International Student Support team and lead organizer of this year’s gala. “This year was particularly meaningful because we were able to bring students from both Brantford and Waterloo campuses and introduce them to our local Indigenous culture and knowledge – it made the event even more enriching.”
The Cultural Gala is a valued opportunity for international Laurier students to celebrate their accomplishments over the last year, including academic achievement and involvement with departments and initiatives that engage with the international population on campus. TD Bank Group representatives presented awards of achievement and led audience participation in an Alligator Dance, a traditional Indigenous dance performed by Derek and Naomi Martin with Leland Red Eagle.
“The students really enjoyed this year’s Cultural Gala,” Desmond says. “We’re so thankful to TD for sponsoring the event. It’s wonderful to see their incredible support of Laurier students in our community.”

Naomi Martin and TD Branch Manager Jim Markou lead gala attendees in the Alligator Dance.