The Milton Chamber of Commerce supports students and the community
The Milton Chamber of Commerce, through its scholarship program, is supporting a Laurier Milton Founders’ Scholarship, an entrance scholarship of $5,000 over four years which will attract top local students to be part of Laurier Milton’s inaugural Fall 2024 cohort and help them succeed in their studies.
“Supporting Laurier Milton students is synonymous with supporting Milton,” says Bianca Caramento, president and CEO of the Milton Chamber of Commerce, one of Laurier’s first donors to the Milton campus. “Our community directly benefits!”
Supporting scholarships isn’t new for the Chamber of Commerce. They have been providing scholarships to Milton students pursuing post-secondary education since 1990.
“This long tradition has evolved over the years,” says Caramento. “Our Laurier Milton Founders’ Scholarship upholds the tradition of aiding local students in pursuing post-secondary education.”
Caramento believes it’s a great fit between two organizations that want to see Milton students succeed!
“The scholarship program has two goals,” says Caramento. “First and foremost, we aim to contribute to our community by supporting hardworking youth. Second, we aim to foster a skilled workforce for local employers to draw from and build a prosperous Milton.”
The Milton Chamber of Commerce is a not-for-profit organization representing more than 700 member businesses that employ over 26,000 people in the Milton community. The Chamber acts as a partner to member businesses by fostering connections and addressing collective problems in Milton. They are excited to welcome Laurier students to the community.
“We look forward to Laurier Milton working closely with local employers to meet their evolving needs and thereby contribute meaningfully to the prosperity of our community,” says Caramento.
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